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每隻 FLAPPY 的誕生 象徵一個膠樽已被「乾淨回收」,印證著一次「循環升值」的 體驗 !









FLAPPY is a 5-minute practice to transform a disposable plastic pump to a bird figure wand that symbolises value creation through upcycle transformation, creativity and persistence.

FLAPPY  由泵頭轉化成小鳥,從「循環升值」Upcycle 帶出正面人生觀。一個用完即棄的泵頭原本是毫無價值,但憑著信念及毅力,一步一步變成觸動人心的環保小鳥。

FLAPPY 教導年輕人不要輕看自己的能力,積極發掘藏在每個人身上的獨特潛能。




Plastic bottles and pump heads are closely connected with people.  People come into contact with them when washing their hands or taking a shower.  Discarded, non-recyclable pump heads all end up in landfills.  With a little creativity—adding eyes and wings to the pump head—Flappy becomes alive in the form of a bird. 


The creative inspiration for Flappy comes from the biblical story of Noah’s ark.  Flappy is like the bird that flew out of the ark to witness the arrival of a new Heaven and a new Earth.  Using free association, seeing the birds that live in our city and the pumps of plastic containers stimulated our imagination and Flappy was created.  This series of clues unlocks the mind of environmental awareness, and gives richness to the power of imagination derived from recycling. 


膠樽「泵頭」與都市人的生活形影不離,洗手洗澡時刻碰到。不能回收的棄置「泵頭」命運終歸堆田區。略加創意,將「泵頭」配以眼晴翅膀,FLAPPY 就如一隻飛鳥活現眼前。FLAPPY 的創作靈感源自挪亞方舟的聖經故事,希望能像方舟飛出來的小鳥,見證新天地的來臨。運用聯想法,藉由城市生活中看見的飛鳥和膠樽「泵頭」激發想像力,進而想起 FLAPPY。這一連串暗示,觸及到環保意識心智,充分發揮重覆暗示衍生的力量。










In order to keep up with the new way of thinking around the idea of environmental protection, our design team has spent three years to research and develop a challenging and yet simple environmental education package. 


This program combines the use of trendy stickers, handicraft arts, and dazzlingly colourful design to create a vivid image of the environmentally friendly bird FLAPPY.  Using creative ideas to inspire students' spontaneity and creativity enables a multi-faceted pursuit of environmentalism.  The educational DIY FLAPPY STICKER KIT is made of waterproof, durable, easy to use material that is approved by European and United States environmental testing agencies and does not contain any "16P" PVC material.

為配合新一代的思維模式,設計師團隊用上三年時間進行研究,編制深入淺出的環保教育程式,結合貼紙潮流及手作文化,耀眼色彩襯托簡約設計,製作出形象鮮明的環保小鳥FLAPPY。創作理念為啓發學生的自發性和創作力,使環保生活變得多元化。教學貼紙 DIY FLAPPY STICKER KIT 採用防水耐用,高易用性,使用通過歐美國家環保測試的「不含16P」 PVC材料製成。


We invite public figures, celebrities, and professionals from all walks of life to put on Eco Slogan Tees and to hold handmade FLAPPY, to publicize to the world the pragmatic results of clean recycling and creativity.  The back of the FLAPPY Tee is imprinted with the slogan "Remove Pump Before Recycling" and the FLAPPY logo, which will remind people that "environmental protection can be simple!"

我們邀請各界專業人士和社會名人穿上 Eco Slogan Tee, 手持自製的 FLAPPY, 向世界宣揚乾淨回收和創意升值的實踐成果。FLAPPY Tee 背後印有 "Remove Pump Before Recycling" 的口號及標誌,用意提醒身後的人    「環保可以好簡單!」。FLAPPY 亦得到歷屆影后羅蘭、 惠英紅 、鮑起靜的支持, 以及本地創作歌手林奕匡、女藝人談善言、職業標準舞冠軍高麗、和立法會議員鄺俊宇義務擔任 Eco Slogan Tee 形象示範,爭取年輕一輩的對 FLAPPYLAND 潮流環保的認同。






We are committed to a community-wide implementation of the FLAPPY School Tour by providing schools with inter-school visits and creative environmental protection workshops.  We also want to encourage enterprise sponsored international ecology awareness activities utilizing FLAPPY as a symbol to promote awareness of environmental protection so that people of different ages and nationalities can actively participate in safeguarding our ecosystem.

我們致力於社區推行 FLAPPY School Tour 校際巡遊及創意環保工作坊,為了達到跨界合作, 鼓勵企業合辦以環保小鳥 FLAPPY 為主題的跨國性環保活動,我們更與國際潮流運動品牌  Lululemon、本地著名書商三聯書店、以及專為年輕人提供創業工作坊的 Solo Mini Offices 舉行多個工作坊及環保藝術表演, 促進不同年齡、國藉人士積極參與。2017年更與樂智協會合作舉辦【智愛環保墟】,主題是透過智障人士與各個環保團體合力推動環保意識,充份展現社會共融的精神。

Course Topics

Achieving three goals through the process of creating a FLAPPY :

  • Proper disposal of garbage (lecture and sharing) 

  • Effective classification of recycling materials (interactive games)

  • Creative recycling and reuse (handicraft arts)



從製作 FLAPPY 的過程達到三大目標:

  • 正確 處置垃圾 ( 講座分享 )

  • 有效 分類回收 ( 互動遊戲 )

  • 創意 循環再用 ( 手工製作 )


Eco art animation | Education of Recycling and Upcycling

小孩子是未來世界的主人翁,環保習慣必需從小培育。FLAPPYLAND 特別製作環保教學動畫以吸引小孩對環保的興趣,利用 FLAPPY JUNIOR ,一個洗髮液膠樽的影子精靈,作為動畫的主角。短短兩分鐘的動畫短片中,FLAPPY JUNIOR 以故事性手法,教導小孩「乾淨回收」的程序,更引導他們運用創意,改變未來,帶出「環保像個影子,隱藏於物件中。創意就是陽光,照出無限可能」的道理,啟發小孩以創意找出隱藏件物中的精靈。

FLAPPY JUNIOR 活力十足,由滑板、跳舞到瑜珈樣樣皆能。大家細心看看,能否察覺圖中的 FLAPPY JUNIOR 其實只做出一個固定動作,改變的只是背景而已。

''Power of Imagination''by Flappyland

This video is dedicated to the people who love and care for the planet.

Our team spent an year on this video documenting the journey of FLAPPY.


Stella Cheung


In recent years, due to serious environmental pollution problems and air-borne diseases, birds are labeled as a high-risk disease spreading agent.  The public has gone to extra measures to avoid coming into contact with birds, and Stella is deeply distressed by this.  In 2014, she met environmental artist Mr. Orson Li, who is the creator of Canbot (  She was greatly inspired by Canbot and the spirit of "Environmental Appreciation Art".  She decided to leave her father's crystal lighting business and with absolute resolve set up Flappyland as an artistic platform for the promotion of environmental protection and life harmony.


Stella also invited Orson to design a bird-themed environmental work of art named FLAPPY.  Stella further developed a series of Eco Art workshops in which ordinary citizens can participate and get involved.  There is also a school tour that teaches children to “cleanly recycle” by building FLAPPY.  This activity is designed to bring fun, meaning, and awareness to the subject matter of environmental protection.  The environmental art platform concept of Flappyland is widely recognized and supported by all walks of life in Hong Kong.  It is Stella’s hope and dream that in the near future they can work with more public figures, celebrities, and corporations to promote environmental art and help it evolves into a compelling movement.

Orson Li

Art Director

Orson Li graduated from the prestigious UCLA in the United States, and worked in an international accounting firm as an international auditor before founding an advertising and design company.  In 2007, he started to devote his energy to creative environmental arts.  Orson researched and developed a unique aluminum folding technology which turns discarded aluminum cans into robots and animal statuettes, which attracted the attention of collectors in the United States, Japan and Korea leading to his becoming known as the “Genius of Aluminum Origami”.  Orson’s canbots are on display in the Cameron Art Museum in the United States and are sought after by celebrities such as Rosie O'Donnell.  He set up CANBOT.COM to promote "Upcycle" environmental art and created the "I CAN MAKE IT" campaign to foster a positive outlook on life.


The citizenry in Hong Kong has achieved a certain level of awareness of “rubbish classification” and “clean recycling”.  However, there are still many unresolved issues concerning environmental protection.  Orson and the design team have developed some innovative activities evolved around Flappy to educate people, especially children, to recycle correctly, thus eventually achieving the common goal of  "WE CAN MAKE IT".

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